Tag Archive | writing

Writer’s Retreat

Our writer’s chapter holds a retreat every year where we lease a lakeside resort house and hide away from our families for two days and immerse ourselves in our stories. This year we spent a weekend on Lake Hamilton in late September. It was glorious and massively productive.

It really looks painful to be here doesn’t it?



The house has 3 porches. I’m an outside writer. So that means I populate any porch space I can find. This is a very comfortable and delightful space to work.


At a break we all congregate on the middle porch and spread out on the swing and the chairs to relax and unwind… put our brains into some down time.

DSC_0133This is Brinda Berry

DSC_0135and this is Parker.

This our Carol.    DSC_0136


CSC_0140 We have Cindy and

Mandy   DSC_0137

DSC_0139  and Jen.DSC_0141and Dara!

I spend some more time looking at this fabulous view. The inspiration to write hits me later, but it does come. Trust me.


Then we have the inside writers at work.

DSC_0144Our excellent and devoted president Margaret (Mags)

Harper and Mandy love this spot – and they are totally into it. DSC_0143 DSC_0142Megan rocks this spot with Brinda and Jen.

And  I couldn’t resist the bird’s eye view. IMG_0364

This is an awesome place. Comfortable and productive and worth every penny.

We all need a chance to regroup and recharge. Happy writing everyone.




My Writing Buddy

We all have a special environment in which we like to write. At a desk or on the couch. Outdoors on the porch or locked away from family distractions. Whatever it is, it works for each of us, or we find one that does work finally. Our surroundings all contribute to our productivity in some way or another.

I like to write away from my family when possible. Not always accomplished, but very nice when I do get there. One thing is constant, though. I always have Cooper with me.


Cooper is a Shitzu of two years. He came to us as a puppy and is technically my daughter’s baby. But since I was the one at home caring for him, he took to me like a fish to water. I’m his mamma.

And who couldn’t love that little face?


I know, I know… I have four great kids. I love them all, am proud of their accomplishments. I even have a stunning grandson who really does outshine any pet any day of the week, but….

I love Cooper like one of my kids. He’s always there as I write. He gives me a distraction when I get restless. He helps feed the goats and the chickens providing me endless satisfaction as I watch him race around our farm like a bullet – for about ten minutes. Short legs can only work so long before they tire.


He gives me something to huggle when I get frustrated. I talk to him when I get stuck. I love having this little guy around.

Tell me about your companion. I know you have a cat or a dog, big or small. They give you unconditional support and wonderfully amusing distraction when you need it most.

Thank God for all the little creatures.


Just Writing

I have been so out of it lately. I hate when my mood dictates the way I write. It’s as if my conscious brain can’t even over ride the insensible reasoning of emotion. I am a writer and if I ever want to sell anything I have to write the darned thing. This past week progress is being made. Plotting for this mishap of a novel is finally taking shape for the last of the story. I usually plot everything before I start writing, but this one is entirely a pantsing operation.

As a new writer, shouldn’t I try all sorts of methods of writing? How else will I find my little niche? Finding the balance between and family and farm life and this thing I do not call a hobby is challenge enough without figuring out my comfort zone within it all. O well. This is a process in and of itself.

This week I polish a synopsis for a Harlequin submission and get it out the door by the week end. See! I am making some progress in trying to get a book published.

I wish all my writer friends best wishes on their work this week. We can all use a pat on the back and a gentle nudge from a good friend!


ROW 80 Update

I am taking up the Round of Words challenge once again. Technically I never really stopped. I have started keeping a daily log and set of goals. At the start of the summer I scaled back my goals due to personal reasons. Amazingly, I found I was trying to sabotage my work by trying to hard. The break gave me perspective and a renewed vigor to my writing.

Last week I wrote about 4K words. I finished the last scene to a short story I started months ago. After a brief edit, I am ready to let it sit for a few weeks before I sub it to a publisher.

I have managed at least one blog posting a week and an average of 500 words a day on whatever story I’m writing. I am satisfied with my progress.

Next week I need to edit a very short story I wish to sub for an anthology. I need to find a critiquer to read it through for me. Then I will muster up the courage to send it off.

I also need to reread the first chapter of my novella to submit to a local contest. Editing the 2nd chapter is order this week. I’ll read it on paper and make some adjustments. This is a revision of the original chapter.

Also in order is working on this blog. I really need to fix the header and organize the content better.

I hope I get at least one blog posted on my regular blog.

That’s it for now.
