
I Sold A Story!!!

Today I have the distinct privilege and joy of writing about the news I have so longed to announce on my own blog…

I sold a story!….umm. That makes me a published authoress! An achievement to which I have deigned to aspire since the day I realized I was really writing a whole book and perhaps publishing was a worthy goal.

I can’t believe it. I submitted a short love story and the editor liked it. Someone else really liked it. I know I thought it was great, but what does the world care what I think? That story is my baby. I have to love it. Now the world can find out how great it is.

It will appear in  Cleis’s Anthology, Cowboy Love. The story is titled “Caught Unawares” by Nena Clements. I can’t remember the projected release date, but it will be in 2012.

And… I need to thank all the many writerly friends I have come to know this past year who have helped and pushed and bolstered my confidence in this final goal. You rock Rats!!
Nena (legitimate author)

A Dirty Bit

This is a delightfully sexy, whitty, hot and refreshingly short read. Ms. Reed captures the raw intensity of lovers separated over a long period of time. If you want to feel your cheeks heat and your toes curl this is a read for you. The heels will do it every time.

Here is the link.

KJ has a few different stories out. Check out her website.

Just a quickie post. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


Checking in late.

Had a vacation weekend so this didn’t get posted yesterday. I didn’t really do what I planned to do last week. No edits were done on the Buried Treasure story, but I did get about 3K written on a holiday short story. I would have written almost the whole thing had there been time.

Working on getting the edits started this week and still writing the holiday short. I have to do a read of a friend’s book for comments. It’s a great read, so must finish it.

That is all I can handle at the moment.


ROW 80 update a day late

Gahh. Yesterday was a bit out of sorts. I had to work unexpectedly and that threw me off just a bit.

Last weeks goals were totally doable, so I completed what I’d set out to do. (happy dance)

I edited the last bit of the cowboy story and formatted it to go the anthology acquisitions person. I’m hesitating sending it.

This week the revision of the first two chapters of Filly goes to the crit partner.

My website requires some serious attention. This week is for that. Man, I hope I get something done. I loathe website maintenance only because I am so miserably ignorant. The banner isn’t even a banner. I must find some stock pics and work on putting a banner together. It’s so frustrating when I have a good idea what my brand is and I can’t pull it together.

Just a mention… the short story dubbed Buried Treasure is still simmering, waiting for its turn to be edited. There is a monster contemporary cowboy bunny rolling around my head that really needs serious plotting as well. All future tasks.

Anyway…. that is all.


ROW 80 Update

I am taking up the Round of Words challenge once again. Technically I never really stopped. I have started keeping a daily log and set of goals. At the start of the summer I scaled back my goals due to personal reasons. Amazingly, I found I was trying to sabotage my work by trying to hard. The break gave me perspective and a renewed vigor to my writing.

Last week I wrote about 4K words. I finished the last scene to a short story I started months ago. After a brief edit, I am ready to let it sit for a few weeks before I sub it to a publisher.

I have managed at least one blog posting a week and an average of 500 words a day on whatever story I’m writing. I am satisfied with my progress.

Next week I need to edit a very short story I wish to sub for an anthology. I need to find a critiquer to read it through for me. Then I will muster up the courage to send it off.

I also need to reread the first chapter of my novella to submit to a local contest. Editing the 2nd chapter is order this week. I’ll read it on paper and make some adjustments. This is a revision of the original chapter.

Also in order is working on this blog. I really need to fix the header and organize the content better.

I hope I get at least one blog posted on my regular blog.

That’s it for now.


A Charming Short

I just read a wonderful short story. Everyone needs a short and ….. this is a free read!! How can you say no?

Pretend You Love Me

This story has a ton of meat for a short story. You won’t be disappointed in its conclusion and the content will keep you riveted to the very end. It is a simple story about a woman who is looking for someone to just pretend they care about her. She won’t reveal any secrets, but when he finds out, both you and our heroine are surprised.

This is on the hot side of wonderful so sit under a fa